Tuesday, October 26

i had a unlucky freakin suck day!!

i had a big fight with my bf..  im still not sleeping bcoz of him.. waiting for him to go home.. he went out then went to his frens house without telling me.. n every time he goes to this particular frens house he always doesn't answer his hp!! i call like 90 times!! then finally he answers then he said his with his fren will u relax already.. i was freaking out! crying n shouting y won't he answer if he said his with his guy frens only.. then he hangup on me then off his blady hp!! im super super upset.. this happened b4 n he promised me it wont happen again now he started it again!! T.T i fell from the new dressing table chair, n there a large burse on my leg.. i was upset already bcoz of the day before yesterday then my delete me from him facebook ! i wish i could hack his pass.. but tried so many things from the Internet to hack but nothing works.. T.T im having a crazy head ache right now.. cant stop crying.. i NEED a THERAPIST!! but it cos too expensive here in my country.. :( i feel like im gonna explode!!

anyway i bought a hair dye/bleach
its a Japanese brand.. i nvr tried bleaching my hair nor dying blond.. so exited but scared at the same time.. but im not gonna do it now..

Beauteen - RM19.90
 back box
 things inside the box

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